Wednesday, July 18, 2007

What "Chak De" really means?

We hear lot about word Chake De. Root of this phrase is really wonderful.

'Chak de' is a Punjabi expression.

It's slightly abbreviated from 'Chak de Phatte' which literally means 'Throw up the floorboards', and is used whenever something brilliant or great is done, when something is done stylishly and sexily, when you want to inspire and stick your chest out with pride, like saying 'tear the roof off', or something like that. It's a common Punjabi colloquialism, often heard in bhangra songs, a phrase that exhorts as much as celebrates. So it's an exhortation as well as a statement of intent, like let's party, let's blow this place apart, let's kick it. If somebody does something so well, and you want to say they hit the ball out of the park, that kind of thing.

Ballae ballae ballae ballae huuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaye
Chak De India!

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