Tuesday, January 11, 2011

XOBNI - a wow plugin

Though outlook has improved its usability much in its new avatars, it still lacks in terms of search, old msg retrieval, attachment & contact search.  Some time back I just hit up on a plugin called Xobni (read it reverse - it is Inbox).  It is much exciting.  Unlike any other clumsy plugins, this works intelligently well.

In seconds it throws your search results.  Categorizes the results with respect to contacts, content and attachment.  Picks up the users profile information from social network sites and content of the mails and display together.  It is a brilliant piece of work.

I have not tried with my Blackberry.  Planning to do this week end.

Hey, forgot to mention about the Xobni analytics.  That just adds the wow factor to the product.  In few clicks you are able to get demographic details like your most emailed contacts, the person who responds to you quickly and so on.

If any one want to see the implementation of usability factors in a small available real estate, Go and study Xobni.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shan,

    Please try also EmailTray which has 4 Inboxes and intelligently sorts email. It will be a full email client in a few weeks.

    Here's a PC World Review: http://www.pcworld.com/article/212403/free_emailtray_helps_organize_your_inbox.html

    If you read an email or delete it in EmailTray, it will be marked read and/or deleted back at its source, if that source was via IMAP, Outlook, AOL, Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail.
